
Is A Chipped Tooth An Emergency?

The answer to the question is no. A chipped tooth is not an emergency. It is not life-threatening, and there is no reason to panic.

Can I Go To ER For Tooth Pain?

If you experience pain in the teeth, teeth grinding, or sore teeth, you should go to the ER to make sure there is no serious

What Will An Emergency Dentist Do?

A dentist will examine your mouth to determine the type and severity of the injury. Depending on the type and severity of the oral injury,

Should 5 Year Old See A Dentist?

Yes, in all cases, children should have regular checkups with a dentist. When they are first born, the teeth of a newborn usually emerge with

Can A 2 Year Old Go To The Dentist?

It’s often recommended that children start going to the dentist around the age of three, but if your toddler is showing signs of being afraid

Is Being A Dentist HARD?

When you think about dentists, you might imagine a lot of long hours in the dentist chair. But, dentists are also people, with a lot

What Does A Dentist Do For Kids?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends children under age six visit the dentist twice a year, with more visits if they are prone to